Wynword Press

A Publishing Company

Wynword Press loves deep literature!   We focus on a few, high-quality titles rather than diffusing our efforts across many titles.  Each title is a book we truly believe in...each of our books has something to offer in addition to a good read.  Whether it's from a best-selling author or a relative unknown, you'll find something here to inspire you, grow you and entertain you.

Lee Smith, Dungeons & Dragons aficionado and author of Poetry from the Pen, turned a six-year stint in Idaho’s “guesthouse” into a creative workshop. With a deep IT background and a talent for crafting tales, Lee blends fantasy with sci-fi in his latest compendium. When he’s not conjuring dungeons, Lee moonlights as a tattoo artist, drawing inspiration from epic tales and dystopian flicks. Dive into Lee’s work where adventure meets the unexpected—and the unconventional.

Lee Smith